Become a
Foster Friend for a Feline

Why Become a Foster Friend for a Feline?

Becoming a Foster Friend for one of our felines is a very rewarding experience for both you and your family.

There is no better feeling than knowing that you have made a difference.

By opening your home, you have created room for Pets Haven to save more cats; by opening your heart, you are the crucial person who has saved and rehabilitated a feline who requires a foster friend/home.

Your compassion is rewarded by the time you give to our felines in need.

Felines who require Foster Friends

  • Pregnant mothers
  • Kittens too young and/or immature to be adopted
  • Older cats that will be more comfortable in a home environment
  • Cats which may have just had surgery such as teeth being removed, amputations etc and require a home environment for recovery
  • Injured cats
  • Neglected, abused or scared cats requiring loving care
  • Cats suffering from stress and require a soothing and comforting environment
  • Cats with special medical needs

Please keep in mind that it’s always a health risk to expose your animal to other animals. The health risk is minimal if your animals are current with their vaccinations, maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, and are not elderly or very young. If you or someone in your household is immune-compromised, consult your doctor before fostering since working or living with animals can expose humans to a zoonotic disease.

Much energy, love, time and vet care is devoted to our foster cats, and the shelter is committed to finding homes for ALL the adoptable cats within its care.

Some cats are in foster care because they’re seriously ill or injured.

If, after medical attention, these cats are too weak to heal and are suffering, then the shelter staff will take these animals to our veterinary clinic to be humanely euthanised.

Fortunately, most cats in foster care heal beautifully.

Your safety is our #1 priority.

You must always inform the shelter staff and your case manager if your foster cat exhibits any aggressive behavior.

Requirements For All Foster friends

To become a foster friend, you will need to complete the following:

  • Complete, sign and return the foster friend application form

Your application will be assessed and authorised by Pets Haven Foundations Foster Friends Coordinator.

Foster Friends rules to remember

  • Foster cats must be kept indoors at all times.
  • Foster cats must not be exposed to anything which could harm them.
  • Weekly updates must be either emailed or verbally given to Pets Haven Foundation Foster Care Coordinator
  • All vet visits must be pre-approved by our Foster Friends Coordinator
  • You must visit Pets Havens preferred Veterinarian
  • Foster parents must respond within 24 hours to communications from shelter staff or potential adopters.
  • Pets Haven Foundation may remove a foster cat from a foster friend’s home for any reason if we deem it necessary.
  • Pets Haven Foundation remains the legal owner of all animals in the foster care program.
  • We suggest that you contact your local Council regarding their rules and regulations about fostering.

For Further Information

Foster Friends Coordinator Karen 0417 835 066